Tech News

Google Assistant is Coming to All Android Smartphones Running on Marshmallow and Nougat

by Daniel Gubalane on Feb 26, 2017

The Google Assistant app is finally coming to all Android smartphones. However, it needs at least Android 6.0 Marshmallow.

It will be automatically installed in compatible Android phones in the coming weeks. Your phone should be running on Android 6.0 Marshmallow or Android 7.0 Nougat and has the Google Play Services properly installed.

Google Assistant promises a more conversational and personal approach to virtual assistants. It leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence or AI to achieve this.

It already comes with the Google Pixel smartphones, Android Wear and Google Home. New smartphones such as the LG G6 also has the Google Assistant pre-installed.

Daniel Gubalane

I am a tech enthusiast who likes to review gadgets and organize smartphone specs sheets to create a helpful website for smartphone buyers.

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