Why New Bloggers Fail

by Daniel Gubalane on Jan 13, 2013

I think I’m a failed blogger. I thought I will succeed in blogging and soon leave my teaching job which pays very low compared to the time, effort and energy that teaching requires.

I think like this now because I’m still not approved by adsense. How can I succeed  in blogging without adsense?

Without adsense, blogging is like a class without a teacher – miserable.

But then I thought…

If I failed blogging because I don’t have adsense, then I’m truly a failure. Not because I’m not earning from my blog but because I am completely missing out the purpose of blogging.
Blogging is sharing something that you know, something that you have experienced or something that your are very passionate about.
Blogging provided us a medium where ordinary people can reach out and communicate with the rest of the world. My blog post about How to Reformat a Netbook Using a USB Flash Drive has been viewed by people from other countries!
That is the real joy of blogging. Money just comes next or still next.

Is Blogging and Reaching Out Worth It?

Sometimes it is but sometimes I also wish I can also earn something out of my blog. I am elated when I see my daily visitors reach 200 in number and when a new comment is posted on one of my articles.
But I feel down when I check my mail and see a notice that my adsense application was again disapproved. Then I check chitika and see that I earn $0.01 or $0.02.
These are the reasons why new bloggers fail, I guess.
New bloggers already know that they can monetize their blog and look forward to it – to receiving dollars for their opinions. But as soon as they apply for adsense, they experience the Google Slap and wake them, us, up to the reality.

Daniel Gubalane

I am a tech enthusiast who likes to review gadgets and organize smartphone specs sheets to create a helpful website for smartphone buyers.

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